Minutes of the Winterwood Homeowners Association Regular Meeting:

Sunday, April 3, 2022

  1. Call to Order: 2:10 pm

  2. Approval of the last annual meeting minutes from 6/20/21: Motion to approve: Leroy Smith, Seconded: Anne Cullinan, all in favor

  3. Old Business:

    • Stump removal—in progress

  4. New Business:

    • Annual dues assessment of $225 for new playscape/rate of inflation for the next fiscal year, July 1-June 30: Motion to approve: Alyssa Davis. Seconded: George Dowalidy. All in favor.

    • Motion to make dues assessment of $180: Denied.

  5. Election of Officers:

    • Treasurer Lavern Smith motions to reelect Mike Belanger. Seconded: Glen Fisher. All in favor, none opposed.

    • President Mike Belanger motions to reelect Glen Fisher. Seconded: Anne Cullinan. All in favor, none opposed.

  6. Review of Finances:

    • Treasurer’s report. Lavern Smith reviewed the 2021 expense report. Glen Fisher motioned to approve, Rebecca seconded. All in favor, none opposed.

    • Why don’t the expenditure report and fiscal year sync up? Should we change expenditure report to mirror fiscal year? Motion to switch to a fiscal year budget and expenditures report: Anne Cullinan. Seconded, Leroy Smith. All in favor.

    • Presentation of the 2022-2021 fiscal year budget by vice president Glen Fisher.

  7. Vote on the 2022-2023 BUDGET: Motion to approve budget as reported: Alyssa Davis. Seconded: George Dowalidy. All in favor.

  8. Ajournment: 3:13 pm. Motion to adjourn: Rebecca Wiley. Seconded: Leroy Smith. All in favor.

List of attendees:

  1. Mike Belanger of 204 Castlewood

  2. Glen Fisher of 530 Edgewood

  3. Rebecca Wiley of 305 Winterwood

  4. Lavern Smith of 531 Edgewood

  5. Leroy Smith of 531 Edgewood

  6. Anne Cullinan

  7. George Dowalidy

  8. Alyssa Davis